The new squishy and sentimental Jack? Who would you choose... the busty trailer chick or the snooty one that looks like a Pterodactyl (the bird-like flying dinasour)?
Monday, January 30, 2006
24 - Day 5
Sunday, January 29, 2006
American Dad - Finances with Wolves
Family Guy - Patriot Games
Friday, January 27, 2006
Ghost Whisperer - Melinda's First Ghost
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Office - The Carpet
Another great episode... in this one someone left a big nasty "present" on the carpet in Michael's office. So Michael took Jim's desk and moved him o=ver next to the annoying Indian chick, Kelly... so he wasn't near Pam and able to flirt with her throughout the day. So Jim was depressed and felt like Pam forgot about him... untill the end of the day and he checkd his phone messages and found about 5 or 6 messages from Pam... touching
My Name is Earl - Monkeys in Space
Smallville - Reckoning

... Clarks dad does die in this episode but that's no surprise... everybody knows that his dad dies of a heart attack around the time that Clark is in college so it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
LOST - Biblical Analogies
Locke is the devil - Echo is John the Baptist – the baby is the next Messiah… I don’t know where they are going with this show but I hope it’s not going to take a religious turn… that is so unoriginal but they seem to be eluding towards that direction… did Locke make a deal with the devil to get his legs back….?
...and why did he baptize her breasts? ... well other than the whole wet t-shirt thing...