Alfred Hitchcock was the master of using the camera to create tension and emotion

OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!!! Hot branding irons, ancient water torture, toothpicks under my fingernail, anything... just don't make me watch another episode of this horrid show! In a 15 second commercial it was funny but a TV show? That was the worst 24 minutes of television I've seen in a long time, and I thought K-Ville was bad! I'd rather have the Journeyman take me back to the time cavemen and leave me there then to watch another episode of this show! They just strung one lame stereotype after another and another and just kept it going - there was nothing funny AT ALL in this show...weak, Oh so weak...
The only thing that kept me from gouging my eyes out with a hot poker than to continue watching was Kaitlin Doubleday... very easy on the eyes...
Eh, what can I say? Prison Break is Prison Break, it's about as realistic as an old Twilight Zone episode... What I'd like to know is what's up with Sarah? Budget cuts on the show or are they planning some kind of twist? They have yet to show her face. You see her in the photos but every time they've "shown" her and LJ (who have both been kidnapped) you see LJ's face but they never show Sarah. Only the back of her head or her legs - never her face. So are they just using a stand-in for her when shooting the show or are they not showing her face as part of the show's plot... Hmmmmm...
Much better this week!
OK, so I can't fully pass judgment on this show yet but it's not looking good... I'm actually in the middle of watching this as I'm typing this but so far... the whole TV cliche thing where someone is giving something incredible, something most people would pay money to have and she gets pissed about it, think of the alternative. She's in an accident, loses her arms, an eye, both her legs and who knows how bad her other injuries are and she is pissed that not only did they give her prosthetic limbs that not only look good but are bionic! Quit yer bitchin' and enjoy it! Oh, you don't like it you ungrateful little wench? Well, lets take off the shiny new limbs and the special little healing microbes and lets see how you like life then...
I love Katee Sackhoff in Battlestar Galactica and I noticed that according to that shes's only in 2 episodes of this show which I hope is true because I want to see her return to Battlestar which is one of the more brilliantly show ever written. I know that they "killed" her off according to BG but there was no visual proof so I'm expecting her to make a comeback.
...oh hey, another BG sighting in this show - Aaron Douglas
Complaint Newsflash ... I'm still in the middle of watching the show and they just did that whole, youngster is pissed off because the adult abandoned them and although everything can be fixed with a simple explanation but for some rease they just can't say it... such BS....
"What do you want from me?"
"Honestly I'm not sure."
Well neither do the viewers! Why is Starbuck beating up Bionic woman #2? We don't know, they don't know, the writers don't even know, I guess they just thought it would make for a cool chick fight scene....
O-MY-GOD! Is it possible to make a show any worse that this? They took the oldest stereotypical TV cop characters and wrapped it around a pretentious and preachy "save New Orleans" premise and then threw in a dash of absolute ridiculousness!
Just a few examples:
WHY WHY WHY DO I WATCH THIS SHOW? I've complained from the very beginning and yet I keep watching - WHY? It's so bad, so predictable... the premise and circumstances are so ridiculous that it's laughable... Wentworth commits a crime to get into prison to break his brother out (I son't go back into all the ridiculousness of seasons 1 & 2) and now big bro is out of prison scott-free and little bro is now in a Mexican prison, a Mexican prison that seems to be have every other nationality other than Mexicans. A prison basically with the plot from the movie "No Escape" where the prisoners are the worst of the worst that they are left to fend for themselves. Not only does Mr. Schofield somehow get thrown into this "wort of the worst" prison but so does Bellick, T-Bag, Mahone (you;d think that an ex FBI agent would have some connections ) THEY ALL END UP IN THE SAME PLACE!!! And why is Bellick walking around looking like Quazi Moto put through a blender?
OK - The new tv season has started and after a year and a half of of absence from posting to this blog I have come back. Not out of boredom but out of necessity... the few series premiers that I've seen so far have been so bad that I have to find some way to vent!!! But this time to make it a bit easier and quicker to keep up with my blogging I won't be doing my own screen captures for every show...