OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!!! Hot branding irons, ancient water torture, toothpicks under my fingernail, anything... just don't make me watch another episode of this horrid show! In a 15 second commercial it was funny but a TV show? That was the worst 24 minutes of television I've seen in a long time, and I thought K-Ville was bad! I'd rather have the Journeyman take me back to the time cavemen and leave me there then to watch another episode of this show! They just strung one lame stereotype after another and another and just kept it going - there was nothing funny AT ALL in this show...weak, Oh so weak...
The only thing that kept me from gouging my eyes out with a hot poker than to continue watching was Kaitlin Doubleday... very easy on the eyes...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Cavemen... Here's to Extinction!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Journeyman S1E2

Monday, October 01, 2007
Prison Break S3E3 - The Faceless Sarah
Eh, what can I say? Prison Break is Prison Break, it's about as realistic as an old Twilight Zone episode... What I'd like to know is what's up with Sarah? Budget cuts on the show or are they planning some kind of twist? They have yet to show her face. You see her in the photos but every time they've "shown" her and LJ (who have both been kidnapped) you see LJ's face but they never show Sarah. Only the back of her head or her legs - never her face. So are they just using a stand-in for her when shooting the show or are they not showing her face as part of the show's plot... Hmmmmm...

Heroes S2E2 - This little piggie went to the market....
Much better this week!