That’s it? That’s it until March? They didn’t even end on a cliffhanger. Lincoln sitting in the electric chair – that’s a cliffhanger… Michael and the gang outside the prison walls with no ride – that’s a cliffhanger… The plan not working so they have to head back to their cells to try another time… that ain’t no cliffhanger… This was the season finale and it was the most boring and uneventful episode… Oh, and Abruzzi getting slashed in the neck and sent to the hospital… that’s just so they can bring him back when the show resumes and he’ll have a god excuse to be pissed off…
Now for more of my Prison Break “highly-improbable” list
- LJ wanted for murder, Veronica missing since her apartment blew up and Nick with a bullet wound – all hanging out at the hospital without any inquiry or suspicion from the police.
- The crew hanging out in the guard room “working” for how long now?... without any supervision or inspection or questions about how long it’s taking them or no guards hearing any noise as the dig through concrete…
- Agent #2 deciding to become a good guy but instead of playing it cool before he decides to pack up his family and make a run for it – He decides to just not show up for work while they take their time packing up the entire house and making flight plans… he deserved to be shot just for being such an idiot…
- Bad guy agent #1 confronting agent#2 about turning on him and knowing that he’s was in the alley meeting the lawyer (how he know what ally to find him is a mystery) he kills agent #2 but doesn’t bother looking for the lawyer who was just crouched behind the car watching the whole thing…
- Is there anybody really stupid enough to fall for the reverse psychology thing they pulled on the guards… “the place is all wet and gonna get moldy but we don’t want to work here all night unsupervised…”
- …and how did Michael climb the rope and that was tied to the grate and still manage to lift the grate when he got to the top… I don’t get it…

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