Friday, January 30, 2009
Battlestar Frakin' Galactica

Labels: adama, battlestar, frack, galactica, kara thrace
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Smallville - Let's get it on...
Well, now that Lana can snatch bullets out of the air there's nothing to stop her and Clark from being together ... back to the days when she had powers and they were causing "earthquakes" all over Smallville...

Labels: Clark Kent, Kristin Kreuk, Lana Lang, Smallville, Tom Welling
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
LOST - S05E03
With the flaming arrows last week and the claymore mines this week... there must be some budget cuts on the set cuz' they're just thinning down the cast of island extras left and right... reminds me of the old Johny Weismuller Tarzan movies of the 30's and 40's... every movie would have the white man jungle expedition and to carry supplies, they'd bring along a dozen or so African natives that they could use to 'bump off' evey time they encounterd danger along the way... attacked by a lion, eaten by an alligator, fall off a cliff, etc... good stuff!
...and speaking of cast, this episode was a little lite on the main cast - Locke was in it and Sawyer had a couple lines but most of the regulars were missing from this episode - giving some extra time to the secondary characters...

Labels: Charles Widmore, Charlotte, claymore, Daniel Faraday, John Locke, lost
Big Love
Didn't realize the new season of Big Love had started so I just got caught up of the first two episodes tonight...I have to say, that's a pretty impressive TP job they did on Niki's house... as Bill came walking up to her through the toilet paper, it almost looked like the opening credits when they are walking through all the white curtains...
OK, this show is bizarre enough with the compound, the polygamy, the multiple houses and all the kids, etc... but this!?... what kind of neighborhoods have block parties like this?... no place that I've ever lived! Everybody dressed all neat and out in the street having a barbecue in their perfect little neighborhood - it's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!
Cleaning a bird's ass with a Q-tip... where do the writers come up with some of this stuff?
Funniest part of the episode was when Lois dragged her husband out of the house and as she pulled him out the door he bumped his head on the ground and you could here her laugh...

Labels: Big Love, Bill, bird, HBO, Niki, parrot, Q-tip, roof house, toilet paper
Monday, January 26, 2009
24 Day 7 - 1pm-2pm
Chloe and Buchanan to the rescue... they handled that impossible situation nice and neat. How Jack was able to call them undetected, explain the situation and give directions to the construction site was conveniently not explained... and how they were able to get there so quickly and happen to have readily available the medical equipment they would need to bring Agent Walker back to life was also a neat little coincidence.... Hmmmmm
OK, and riddle me this... "stick to her guns" President Allison Taylor is refusing to give in to terrorist demands - I understand the whole idea of giving in just encourages more terrorism but... couldn't they just temporarily "give in" to his demands to appease Colonel Iké Dubaku and then as soon as they find his location and recover the device, move the military back into place? It seems like such an obvious and simple solution that it's bugging me that they haven't even addressed the option and given us a reasonable explanation as to why they don't try it... just seems like such a big plot hole; it's driving me crazy ever time they show the President and advisers arguing...
Well, I was half right in my prediction last week... kind of obvious that something would go wrong with the attempt to kill the President's husband but hey, they did bump off Carly Pope in a rather disturbing way...

Labels: 24, Allison Taylor, Buchanan, Carley Pope, Chloe, day 7, Jack Bauer
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Flight of the Concords - Prostituting their Sugarlumps
OK, so the premise of this episode of Flight of the Concords is that they only own one mug so Bret buys a second mug for $2.79... which leads them to bouncing a check because they were $2.79 short in their checking account, resulting in their electricity being shut off and Brett having to sell his guitar... BUT... if you look at the photo above you can clearly see in the opening credits that not only do they each have their own mug in front of them but there are at least four mugs on the dish rack and one more mug on the table, background left, for a total of seven mugs! AND, none of those mugs match the two used in the episode (below) bringing the total to at least nine mugs owned by Bret and Jemaine! ...I'm sensing they are not being totally honest with us the viewers on this show... they may be trying to pull something over on us for comedic effect... hmmmmmm
"I see you girls checkin' out my trunks
I see you girls checkin' out the front of my trunks
I see you girls checkin' out my junk, then checkin' out my rump, then back to my sugarlumps...""It's a cold night
Beneath the street light
There's a man whose pants are too tight..."
Sugar Lumps
You Don't Have To Be A Prostitute

Labels: Bret, Flight of the Conchords, Jemaine, Murrey, prostitute, sugar lumps
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Office - Hillary Swank, hot or not?

Labels: Dwight Schrute, Hillary Swank, hot, Jim, Michael Scott, Oscar, The Office
Smallville... back to la-la-Lana land...

Man, I need to get me some of those video optical eye implants - talk about a great way to keep up with my Facebook status! I'd just stream a live video feed of my day right to my profile...

Labels: Clark Kent, dead, Erica Durance, Kristin Kreuk, Lana Lang, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Smallville, superman, Tom Welling
Lie to Me - Pilot Episode
Tim Roth... love this guy - Four Rooms is so underrated, he was brilliant in that movie and he'd be brilliant in this if his character wasn't so F'ING ANNOYING! This show has a cool concept and is supposedly inspired by a real life behavioral scientist who, if he's anything like the show character, must have been beaten to death long ago by his co-workers... OK, I GET IT! You can read people's expressions and body language and can tell if they are lying but please give this character a little bit of depth... he doesn't have to be constantly analyzing every person of every second of every day for us to get the point that he's good...THAT'S JUST ANNOYING!
...and speaking of annoying - I get it that they're trying to make this Dr. Foster character out to be this confident, witty, and charming character with a streak of sexy youthfulness - and the pudding scene was OK (I like pudding and would eat it for breakfast... yeah, I'm wild like that!) but they crossed the line when they tried it again with the cup and straw bit... Mary-Louise Parker from Weeds OWNS the "super-sexy 'older' hot chick sipping a drink through a straw in a carefree playful manner" bit! So don't even try it because you'll never be more than a second-rate!

Which brings me to my final point - they ran the pilot episode of this show up against the season premier of Lost... are you insane! You're competing in a Lost time-slot... literally and figuratively. Are they even attempting to making this show a success? Have they shot more than two episodes? Do they want to fail? ...stay tuned or rather set your DVR cuz' nobody's watching this show in real time...

Labels: Ana Lucia, Kelli Williams, Lie to Me, Mary Louise Parker, Michelle Rodriguez, Monica Raymund, Tie Roth, Weeds
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Five New LOST Revelations!

LOST - My life has meaning again!
Yea! Lost is back on which mean my life has purpose again! Pretty good opening scene with Daniel spying on the DHARMA Initiative...
...so if you missed it, the season opener was about Sawyer having 'lost' his shirt (to the delight of women around the world) and spending the entire episode trying to find another...
Monday, January 19, 2009
24 Day 7 - 12pm-1pm
And the plot thicken even more... another inter-office romance? Can this guy, Sean, be as creepy as he plays the part? It seems too obvious, too easy - I'm still going with my outside bet that his creepy actions and devious stare is misdirection from the writers and that Garofalo is going to be the bad guy on the inside...
...the overly nice "yes sir/sorry sir" bodyguard wasn't a surprise. And the whole crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theory imagining, spouse of the president is another 24 plot device that has already been used... and my guess is that something is going to go wrong with the plans to kill the president's husband... Samantha is going to be suspicious of something and screw it up...
Mini Jack (Agent Walker) has the most diverse acting job of anyone on the show... going from confident agent, to rebellious agent, to pissed-off agent, to scared agent... she's had to go through the whole range. I like her character but if they really do kill her off that would make for an interesting plot twist... how will Jack get out of that one?
...and how many times has 24 used the old "kill somebody to go undercover" plot device? And how many times is the bad guy going to fall for it? Even though they are on a tight time schedule, instead of taking 12 seconds to walk over and make sure she's dead he tells them to go through the time consuming process of burying the body and not checking things out for himself... makes for exciting and suspenseful TV but is just absolutely ridiculous!
Friday, January 16, 2009
What the Frak?!
Well, we said "goodbye" tonight to one of my show favorites in an unexpected way. We'll have to watch for Kandyse in other shows... IMDB
I usually like movies and shows that end on a down note like a Greek tragedy but I've been hoping for a little hope, something a little more upbeat. Of course I don't want what happened with Galactica 1980 where they all show up on earth riding rocket motorcycles and cracking cheezy one-liners. But the direction the show is going I don't see how they can end it in anything but misery....and speaking of not knowing the direction something is going... what's up with the KFC "Frak Pak"? They do understand that frak = fuck right? So to translate the above ad "KFC proudly salutes BSG ad its fuckin' awesome fans! FUCK PAK SWEEPSTAKES" ... well, I gotta go now so I can enter the frakkin' sweepstakes...
A Frackin' Reminder!
As I was driving on I81 through motherfrackking Pennsylvania at 3:30 in the frackkin' morning on my way from frackkin' hot Miami to frackkin' cold Boston this morning, I saw this sign and though "Ohhhh frack! The new frackkin' season of Battlestar Galactica starts tonight!" (I know, it's a frakking lousy pic but I took it in the dark, through the windshield of my car while driving 80mph...)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Office - The Duel
"...my philosophy is basically this... and this is something that I live by, and I always have, and I always will... Don’t ever, for any reason do anything, to anyone, for any reason... ever... no matter what. No matter where or who, or who you are with... or... or where you are going... or... or where you’ve been... ever... for any reason... whatsoever..." ~ Michael Scott