I don't mean to be a hater but the writing on this show is so frustrating that it makes me want to hurt small animals! Why does it suck so bad?! Why do I watch you ask? Because it has such a great premise and interesting characters and has so much potential but they seem to miss the mark every episode!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Heroes- Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I don't mean to be a hater but the writing on this show is so frustrating that it makes me want to hurt small animals! Why does it suck so bad?! Why do I watch you ask? Because it has such a great premise and interesting characters and has so much potential but they seem to miss the mark every episode!

Labels: Greg Grunberg, Heroes, Matt Parkman, Milo Ventimiglia, Peter Petrelli
Chuck 2x14
As I mentioned last time, they do such a good job in this show of playing out the tension between Chuck and Sarah ... and as I said, I'm just obsessed with Sarah in this show... bloody nose and all :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Big Love - Keeping it in the family?
Well, I mentioned in a recent post about Big Love stepping beyond polygamy and into the "family" arena with a little bit of bro/sis action... they nipped that in the bud pretty quick but this episode brings the subject right back and gives the Mormon "family fun night" a whole new meaning when Ben professes his love for his "mom" after catching her coming out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel... on her head :)

Labels: Ben Henrickson, Big Love, Douglas Smith, Ginnifer Goodwin, HBO, Margene Heffman
Flight of the Concords - Same Girl

Labels: Brahbrah, Bret Mckenzie, Flight of the Conchords, Jemaine Clement, Kristen Schaal, Kristen Wiig, Mel, Murray Hewitt, Rhys Darby
Friday, February 20, 2009
Battlestar Galactica - My frakin' baby... Noooooo!
Colonel Tigh caught in a frakin' Cylon love triangle ... Question: so if there was a resurrection ship and a baby Cylon died, what would happen?

Labels: Battlestar Galactica, cylon, Ellen Tigh, Kate Vernon, Michael Hogan, Number Six, resurrection ship, Saul Tigh, Tricia Helfer
Terminator ... ?
I love this show but it's been dragging a bit lately... don't get me wrong, I'm all into the drama but this show is called Terminator (The Sarah Connor...bla bla bla) for a reason... BECAUSE PEOPLE WAS TO SEE TERMINATORS!!! C'mon let's get Cameron back in action doing cool sexy terminator shit! Another week or two without Cameron showing off her bad-ass terminator moves, I'm just gonna break out my Firefly DVD box set every Friday night instead!

Labels: Cameron Phillips, Chronicles, Sarah Connor, Summer Glau, Terminator
Monday, February 16, 2009
The "I'm Obsessed with Sarah Show" aka Chuck
Ok, when I call Chuck the "I'm Obsessed with Sarah Show" that could refer to the whole premise of this show but really what I mean is "I'm" obsessed with Sarah... (Yvonne Strahovski) I love that chick! It's one of the only reasons I watch the show.. sure it's a good show and has great characters and all, but Sarah is the reason why I've watched every episodes... so my review of this show is probably going to be more of an unhealthy obsessive tribute to the character of Sarah than to the show itself...

Labels: Andy Richter, Chuck, Ellie Bartowski, Sarah Lancaster, Sarah Walker, Yvonne Strahovski, Zachary Levi
Friday, February 13, 2009
Terminator - It slices, it dices!

Monday, February 09, 2009
Not much to say.. this show has gotten really weak (well, imo it's been weak since the end of the first season) ... just fun watching Claire getting shot - they should just have a whole episode of her being killed in different ways...

Labels: Brea Grant, Clair Bennet, Daphne Millbrook, Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere, Heroes, Matt Parkman
Heroes - Fictional town of Costa Verde, CA revealed...
The location of the town of Costa Verde where the Bennet family lives was revealed on tonight's episode of Heroes. They showed an aerial view of the town and having lived in Southern California I noticed Catalina Island off the coast on the horizon. Since you can see a golf course on the coast I just did a quick Google Maps search for golf courses along the CA coast parallel with Catalina Island... and voila' ... the fictional town of Costa Verde is Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. ... I'm sure someone saw this on a previous episode and has already posted this info on some website somewhere but this was the first time I paid any attention to it...

Labels: Bennet, CA, Costa Verde, Heroes, Rancho Palos Verdes
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Flight of the Concords - The Painting
You gotta love Mel, the crazed fan, on Flight of the Concords... she just plays the part so brilliantly (at least I hope she's just acting :-)

Labels: Bret, Flight of the Conchords, Jemaine, Kristen Schaal, Mel, painting
Big Love
This show is already pretty wack, being about polygamy and all, ... but during this episode for a second I though, "is the polygamy not taboo enough, are they going to cross over into a bit of 'brotherly-love'..?" Fortunately they've kept that off the table - for now... well I guess technically most of those characters on the compound are all related to each other and mixed together anyway.
Lois is always awesome to watch - she plays such a great crazy-psycho beeyatch!

Labels: Amanda Seyfried, Bennet, Big Love, Douglas Smith, Grace Zabriskie, Lois Henrickson, Sarch
Friday, February 06, 2009
Battlestar Galactica - Here's to Richard Hatch
Well they killed off Richard Hatch this week... it's a bitter-sweet time for BSG fans. It's good to see a show have a clear direction, not compromise and end while it's on top (unlike X-Files and Alias and why Lost has gotten better) but at the same time it sucks that the show is ending. Tonight was a big step towards the end with the execution of Tom Zarek played by Richard Hatch. Hatch was Captain Apollo on the original Battlestar Galactica series in the 70's and who has been keeping the BSG universe alive for the last 30 years. - just thought I'd say "thanks Richard"

Labels: Battlestar Galactica, execution, Felix Gaeta, Richard Hatch, Tom Zarek
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Smallville - Doing the "nasty"
Well, as predicted, Clark and Lana can put her new powers to good use and create earthquakes around Smallville - breaking the bed with a little super hero sex...

Labels: Clark Kent, Erica Durance, Kristen Kreuk, Lana Lang, Lex Luthor, Michael Rosenbaum, Smallville, TLois Lane, Tom Welling
Monday, February 02, 2009
Heroes is back...

Friday, January 30, 2009
Battlestar Frakin' Galactica

Labels: adama, battlestar, frack, galactica, kara thrace
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Smallville - Let's get it on...
Well, now that Lana can snatch bullets out of the air there's nothing to stop her and Clark from being together ... back to the days when she had powers and they were causing "earthquakes" all over Smallville...

Labels: Clark Kent, Kristin Kreuk, Lana Lang, Smallville, Tom Welling
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
LOST - S05E03
With the flaming arrows last week and the claymore mines this week... there must be some budget cuts on the set cuz' they're just thinning down the cast of island extras left and right... reminds me of the old Johny Weismuller Tarzan movies of the 30's and 40's... every movie would have the white man jungle expedition and to carry supplies, they'd bring along a dozen or so African natives that they could use to 'bump off' evey time they encounterd danger along the way... attacked by a lion, eaten by an alligator, fall off a cliff, etc... good stuff!
...and speaking of cast, this episode was a little lite on the main cast - Locke was in it and Sawyer had a couple lines but most of the regulars were missing from this episode - giving some extra time to the secondary characters...

Labels: Charles Widmore, Charlotte, claymore, Daniel Faraday, John Locke, lost
Big Love
Didn't realize the new season of Big Love had started so I just got caught up of the first two episodes tonight...I have to say, that's a pretty impressive TP job they did on Niki's house... as Bill came walking up to her through the toilet paper, it almost looked like the opening credits when they are walking through all the white curtains...
OK, this show is bizarre enough with the compound, the polygamy, the multiple houses and all the kids, etc... but this!?... what kind of neighborhoods have block parties like this?... no place that I've ever lived! Everybody dressed all neat and out in the street having a barbecue in their perfect little neighborhood - it's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!
Cleaning a bird's ass with a Q-tip... where do the writers come up with some of this stuff?
Funniest part of the episode was when Lois dragged her husband out of the house and as she pulled him out the door he bumped his head on the ground and you could here her laugh...

Labels: Big Love, Bill, bird, HBO, Niki, parrot, Q-tip, roof house, toilet paper
Monday, January 26, 2009
24 Day 7 - 1pm-2pm
Chloe and Buchanan to the rescue... they handled that impossible situation nice and neat. How Jack was able to call them undetected, explain the situation and give directions to the construction site was conveniently not explained... and how they were able to get there so quickly and happen to have readily available the medical equipment they would need to bring Agent Walker back to life was also a neat little coincidence.... Hmmmmm
OK, and riddle me this... "stick to her guns" President Allison Taylor is refusing to give in to terrorist demands - I understand the whole idea of giving in just encourages more terrorism but... couldn't they just temporarily "give in" to his demands to appease Colonel Iké Dubaku and then as soon as they find his location and recover the device, move the military back into place? It seems like such an obvious and simple solution that it's bugging me that they haven't even addressed the option and given us a reasonable explanation as to why they don't try it... just seems like such a big plot hole; it's driving me crazy ever time they show the President and advisers arguing...
Well, I was half right in my prediction last week... kind of obvious that something would go wrong with the attempt to kill the President's husband but hey, they did bump off Carly Pope in a rather disturbing way...

Labels: 24, Allison Taylor, Buchanan, Carley Pope, Chloe, day 7, Jack Bauer